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Connection Between Water And Weight Loss

The connection between water and weight loss is critical, but unfortunately very little attention is paid to this symbol of life. The lack of water, dehydration, causes severe health problems, which take a good deal of time to develop and once they're here, they stick around for a long, long time.

Water is the highway used by the nutritional traffic of our body, more water means smoother roads. The human body is 70% water while blood is 92% water. Hence water is not something we import into our system from the outside world; it's the basic medium of our system which needs protection and sustenance. Some of the major benefits of water, which are its basic functions inside the human body, are;

  • It helps in digestion, absorption and assimilation of food. A failure to drink enough water means you never get the full benefits from your food.
  • It is crucial for the excretion of waste from the bowels and kidneys. Not drinking enough water leads to constipation and also puts the kidneys under stress. Your intestines also suffer and in many cases the constipation leads to colon cancer.
  • Water maintains the body's homeostasis. It regulates body temperature. The biggest organ used by the body for the removal of wastes is the skin. The body expels many harmful toxins through the sweat, and or this it needs a ready supply of water.
  • Since blood is mostly water, this makes water essential for the movement of nutrients around the body. Ever have a severe headache and then get relief from a glass of water. That was because your body was so dehydrated that your brain cells weren't getting the required oxygen. Drinking the water solved the problem.
  • Hormones and Enzymes: hormones and enzymes, as well as other body juices are mostly water. The lack of water in the body impairs the functioning of these biological catalysts.

  • Water for Weight Loss:

    Water is a natural appetite suppressant. The human brain can't really distinguish between hunger and thirst. When you're body is dehydrated, it signals to your brain and you feel hungry. This feeling causes many people to eat when they really don't need to. If you were to take a glass of water in such a condition, you would see the hunger fade in 15 minutes. People who don't drink enough water, always end up overeating due to this feeling of fake hunger. Also, when your body doesn't get enough of the water that it needs, it begins to hold on to every drop. This causes what is known as 憌ater retention' in the body. Water retention not only prevents the removal of toxins from the body, it also causes an increase in weight. When your body has a healthy of water coming in, the water retention ceases to exist. Water retention is not only caused by drinking too little water, it is also caused by drinking too many soft drinks. Soft drinks actually dry up the water in the body, so if you think you get plenty of water from your coke...think again.

    For sound health the average adult should drink at least 8 glasses of water a day. This equals 96 ounces. And when you're aiming for weight loss, the quantity goes up by an additional 8 ounces for every 25 pounds of excess weight beyond the normal (ideal) body weight. You should increase water consumption during the summer as well as when working out, because in both cases your body will be perspiring more, so it needs a steady water source. For a safe and healthy workout, take a glass of water 10-15 minutes before a workout. Also keep a water bottle with you and sip from occasionally while you exercise. Just make sure the water is at room temperature.

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