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Lose Weight Fast And Still Enjoy Your Meals

     Our ancestors knew what they were doing when they had to find a method to lose weight; and they managed it quite well without celebrity diets or weight reducing pills.

But then, not much has changed, apart from temptations, for the rules of living a healthy and fulfilling life are pretty much the same as always. Not surprisingly, these rules almost always mean that you are rarely, if ever, overweight and never need to lose weight fast. The rules are delightfully simple; good health-giving food along with fresh fruit and vegetables, plenty of water every day (around 6 - 8 glasses is the recommendation) and about 30 minutes brisk exercise every day.

Add one further ingredient, probably the hardest one of the lot, and you are home and hosed. The missing important constituent part is will-power and then you will lose weight fast.

Dig out a picture showing you at your most attractive and put it on the fridge or pantry door. This will encourage you to go back to those far-off days or act as a blocking mechanism if you attempt to sneak into the pantry or fridge!

Someone very wise once said something like "What the mind can conceive and believe the mind can achieve."Nevertheless, as well as visualization you need something else which is easily defined although it has many different names. It's sometimes called tenacity, pertinacity, obstinacy, cussedness, purpose or perhaps you know it better as perseverance.

If you have perseverance you'll have a decent chance of losing some weight but without perseverance or will-power, call it what you will, you won't make any progress if you're trying to lose weight fast.

So if you have will-power you're halfway there because you'll be able to make the small changes necessary to achieve whatever target weight you set. And you won't have to bother with personal trainers or join a health club; you can do it all by yourself.

A collection of small and apparently insignificant changes will make the difference and mushroom so that you lose weight fast. For instance, using the escalator as a flight of stairs rather than as an elevator will be a good start. Every little helps so think about moving around and, for instance, jumping up to answer the phone; it's all movement and all the moves add up.

In a similar vein try to incorporate as much movement into your daily routine as you can. Top this off with a 25-30 minute brisk walk every day and you'll soon begin to notice a difference when you step on the bathroom scales.

If you have the determination you've virtually lost the weight already so let's recap. The formula is motivation together with a healthy eating plan and plenty of movement plus only 30 minutes daily exercise plus eight glasses of water every day and you'll soon arrive at your target weight.

Stay there by ditching the high-calorie foods and opting for the low-fat options. Avoid the excess caffeine inherent in coffee and effervescent cola style drinks and you are making real progress in your quest to lose weight fast.

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