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Toned Abs - Exercises To Help You Lose Belly Fat

As people in developing countries become more affluent and westernized, they get more access to the same products and services long-enjoyed by folks in North America and Western Europe. Fast food is the most obvious cultural import from the West and its proliferation is causing obesity in more countries across the globe.

Contrary to what most fitness amateurs think, doing sit-ups and crunches are not the solution to isolating belly fat. The human body is predisposed to store most body fat around the midsection and as such, this is the last place it'll leave when exercise for weight-loss.

Ab isolation exercises only serve to develop muscle tissue around the stomach area. They're not really effective for burning body fat and only by focusing on body fat burn can one achieve muscle definition and getting lean, toned abs.

Studies have proven cardiovascular exercise that involves the whole body is most effective in losing excess body fat. The more muscles involved in movement, the more calories burned from stored fat. Eliminate enough body fat and that flabby belly disappears resulting in nicely toned abs.

Doing total body cardio exercises at high enough intensity not only results in fat-loss- they also condition the heart and lungs, putting more oxygen into the blood stream and lowering blood pressure. The metabolic rate also goes up and stays elevated even after working out. This means more calories burned throughout the day.

By maintaining a high metabolism, overweight people can facilitate fat-loss better because more calories are expended throughout the day. This means less calories left over to be stored as body fat. If a person burns more calories than he takes in each day, this will of course lead to loss of belly fat.

Muscle building resistance exercises can also help fight body fat by enabling us to burn more calories. Muscles burn calories even while were not using them. The more muscular a person is therefore, the less time he has to spend in the gym working out.

Doing cardio exercises that employ compound movements are not only more effective in burning body fat, they are more fun to do as well. Dull, repetitive exercises cause people to get bored with their workouts and stop exercising after a month or so. Keeping your workouts fun and exciting is the secret to staying consistent with exercising and reaching your goal of toned abs with good definition.

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